Ace of Diamonds and Two of Diamonds, Changed our World with an Apple

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak became friends in the 1970, thanks to a mutual friend who knew the two loved electronics and pranks and thought they should know each other.

We all benefit since Woz and Jobs became an epic partnership that brought personal computers into our homes with Apple Inc. Jobs legendary commencement speech shared words of Wisdom…“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future…

Fun Fact: Apple Inc. , operating out of Steve Jobs’ garage, was founded April 1, 1976…the pranksters founded Apple on April Fools Day…

The Steve’s were very young when they founded Apple. Wozniak was 26, Jobs was 22…they didn’t have the money to bankroll their new company…

Fun Fact: Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his beloved scientific calculator in order to fund Apple Inc.

So much has been written about both Steve’s…. Steve Wozniak is the inventor and Steve Jobs is the marketing genius…but that doesn’t truly describe either of them. Extraordinary people rarely fit in one box…although in the case of the Jobs and Woz that reminds me of another story from their younger days.

Fun Fact: back in 1995, Woz and Jobs were fascinated by blue boxes used by phreakers to illegally make free long distant phone calls around the world…this inspired them to create their own version of the blue box. Berkeley Blue (Woz) and Oaf Tobar (Jobs) sold their blue boxes in the dorms at Berkeley, where Woz went to college.

As you would expect…the pranksters made many funny phony phone calls…

Some of us can remember the challenge and how expensive it was to make a long distance call….they charged by the minute!!! Today it is simple…

Jobs and Woz both dropped out of college early on. Woz was in an small airplane accident Feb 7, 1981, everyone on board survived, but Woz sustained head injuries including temporary amnesia, that took him five weeks to regain his memories. He took the opportunity to step away from Apple and go back to UC Berkeley and earn his College degree.

Fun Fact: Woz was well known when he went back to Berkeley, so he enrolled under the name Rocky Raccoon Clark which is the name on his diploma.

Looking at their cards, we see that Jobs and Woz have cards that complement each other, their partnership makes sense.

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs Birth Card is the Ace of ♦️link to A of Diamonds intelligent, independent, ambitious, creative and charming…he not only contributed to society….he changed our lives forever.

Jobs other two cards are both Five of♦️, making the Five of ♦️ supercharged.
Five of ♦️have an inner restlessness which manifests in their desire for freedom; they dislike routine and anything that limits their freedom.

They have something important to accomplish and you wouldn’t find them behind a desk. I can’t imagine Jobs sitting behind a desk…maybe jumping up on one while giving a passionate talk.

Jobs embraced his spirituality, a strong influence from both the Ace of ♦️and Five of ♦️. He traveled to India in 1974 in search of spiritual enlightenment, returning 7 months later with his head shaved and wearing traditional Indian clothing… his appreciation for Zen lasted his entire life.

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak Birth Card and Ruling Planet card is the Two of ♦️…this makes the Two of ♦️ supercharged. Woz is an electronics engineer, computer programmer and technology entrepreneur. Woz and Jobs, business partners in the 1970’s and 1980’s, are considered prominent pioneers of the personal computer. Woz invented the Apple computer…but he needed Jobs ability to manufacture and market the computer to turn his vision into reality.

This is a wonderful example of the power of partnerships, especially for the Two of ♦️.

Woz’s Ruling Planet card is the Four of ♠️…the card of Satisfaction in Work. This makes Woz intelligent, hard working, a good communicator and speaker. He also has a very favorable life path as far as money and success is concerned, and we can all agree that he lives up to this card.

Fun Fact: Woz invented the first programmable universal remote control in 1987, and we all appreciate that.

You would think that Steve Jobs story would have ended upon his death in Oct.2011, but no…he has been awarded 141 patents since his passing in 2011, making his total patents 458. He has received more patents since he died than many inventors receive in their lifetime.

Steve Wozniak has 4 patents awarded to him. This fact has clarified something that has been a source of confusion to me. Steve Wozniak is considered the inventor of Apple and Steve Jobs is the marketing genius.

Their cards tell a different story…which I now understand.

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